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Agincourt Resources Won 4 Awards at Good Mining Practices Award 2022

Thu 13 Oct 2022, 09:00 AM



PT Agincourt Resources (AR) as the manager of the Martabe Batang Toru Gold Mine, South Tapanuli Regency managed to bring four awards in the prestigious Good Mining Practices Award 2022 held by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM).

"PTAR even managed to achieve the highest ranking with the gold symbol, namely the Aditama Award, in the aspect of mining environmental management of the group of business entities holding Contract of Work and Special Mining Business Permits (IUPK) for mineral commodities," said President Director of PT Agincourt Resources, Muliady Sutio, Saturday (8/10).

Various expectations achieved by PR AR from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources in the 2022 Good Mining Practices Award event, were received by the President Director of PT Agincourt Resources, Muliady Sutio on September 29, 2022

Another award brought home by PTAR, he said, was the main award for the aspects of mining engineering management of the group of business entities holding KK, IUP BUMN, IUPPMA, IUPK mineral commodities.

Then the primary award for aspects of the application of mineral and coal conservation of the group of business entities holding KK, IUP and IUPK mineral commodities and the primary award for aspects of managing standardization and mining services business groups of business entities holding KK, PKP2B, IUP and IUPK mineral and coal commodities.

President Director of PT Agincourt Resources (PTAR), Muliady Sutio, (third from left) received the award during the 2022 Good Mining Engineering Principles (GMP) Achievement Award Presentation held by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources in Jakarta on September 29, 2022. PTAR won four awards at the same time at the annual event. Alert/ist.

For the achievements achieved by PT AR, Muliady Sutio, expressed his gratitude for the support from employees, PTAR business partners so that these achievements can be achieved, including government support, both central and regional.

The Aditama Award on the Aspects of Mining Environmental Management won by PTAR, he explained, is proof of the company's seriousness in protecting and managing the environment and biodiversity from the impact of the Martabe Gold Mine operational activities.

Since the commencement of mining operations, the main objectives of environmental management at the Martabe Gold Mine have remained unchanged, including rehabilitation activities, safe management of tailings and wastestones, safe management of process wastewater, management and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, biodiversity protection, and safe and stable post-mining closures.

"PTAR follows strict environmental management protocols, aligned with appropriate environmental regulations regarding pollution, water, tailings, energy, and biodiversity management. We continue to continue the fundamental, structured, and collaborative environmental program with all stakeholders," said Muliady

, the Pratama Award for Aspects of Standardization Management and Mining Services Business is also a proof of PTAR's policy in prioritizing local workers and local businesses. By the end of 2021, 73.92% of workers at the Martabe Gold Mine were local residents, exceeding the 70% target set out in the Environmental Impact Assessment (AMDAL).

In the realm of local business, PTAR has worked togethera equals 79 local suppliers or 12% of the total 657 suppliers. These local suppliers come from South Tapanuli, Central Tapanuli, Sibolga, and Padangsidimpuan.

The percentage of local suppliers in 2021 increased compared to 2020 which was 9%. Muliady appreciated the award from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, which was interpreted as proof of the seriousness of ptar in implementing good environmental management and evidence of ptar's commitment to implementing good mining engineering rules.

"These four awards are not only an appreciation for us, but also a motivation for us to continue to implement good environmental management and apply good mining engineering rules in accordance with Indonesian government regulations," said Muliady.

Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Arifin Tasrif, represented by the Special Staff of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources for the Acceleration of Mineral and Coal Management Agency Irwandy Arif, said that Good Mining Practice is part of efforts to implement Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) in the company's environment, especially in the environmental aspect, namely how the company's performance is achieved in an environmentally friendly manner, both from operations to its products.

"In essence, companies that apply ESG principles in their business and investment practices mean that they will participate in integrating and implementing company policies that are in line with the sustainability of these three concepts and have a positive impact not only on the company's performance, but also on society and the environment," said Irwandy.


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