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Design and engineering of a copper smelter to Freeport Indonesia Manyar Project

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01 Mar 2024, 00:00 AM



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Metso has signed a major engineering and technology contract as well as license agreements for the delivery of a landmark copper smelter complex to be built in Gresik, East Java, in Indonesia. The project owner is PT Freeport Indonesia, and PT Chiyoda International Indonesia is the EPC contractor. Four-fifths of the approximately EUR 360 million contract has been booked in Metals’ Q3/2021 order intake and the rest in Minerals’ Q3/2021 order intake.

Metso’s scope of delivery is based on the licensed, well-proven Metso Flash Smelting, Flash Converting and Lurec® technology. It includes the design and supply of key process equipment and process control systems for the main areas of the smelter complex, the copper electrolytic refinery, the gas cleaning and sulphuric acid plant, the slag concentrator, and the effluent treatment plant.

Metso has previously provided certain front-end engineering design (FEED) and other advance engineering services for this 1.7 mtpa copper concentrate smelter complex. This smelter complex is expected to be commissioned in 2024.

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